Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Goodness, the Internet really is forever. . .

So much has changed and so much has stayed the same- darn face.book and its easy peasy lemon squeezy method of virtual interaction!

Kids are all fine- I am holding steady, and the world continues to astound, amaze and horrify me. . .so yeah, there is that. . .

Astound- The fact that so many states are getting with the program and making it possible for marriage between two loving adults legal, hell yes!

Amaze- I now have a high school junior, a freshman and a 7th grader! Just wow, how the heck can that be possible? In addition I now have a son, KIA, in Grad School!!! Huzzah and my sympathies :)

Horrified- the elections in my beloved state- Oy Gevalt, where to start? Just sick at the erosion of the proud traditions of Wisconsin, loud and proud some of the newly elected are on record as being pretty much anti EVERYTHING that matters to me. . .just bloody hell. . .

Time for random pictures!!

 RIP Satan the cat

 KIA graduates!

Full Moon at the Lake

Soul Man. . .and a LOT of laundry

I'd love to say I plan on blogging more often, but best laid plans and all. . .we are still under the umbrella and making our way through:)

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