The wonderful person who I was giving "feedback" to, yeah, him, well, he had the secretary contact me to ask permission to see my online schedule. . .hmmmmm
Again with the disrespectful approach of NOT contacting me personally. . .
Wow. . .made me think of this post I did awhile back- scary it's even worse now than when I wrote this. . .
Dealing with Life's raindrops- from under the Mother of all Umbrellas
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Yom Kippur Switch up
One thing I would like to do also is to thank those of you who may be reading this and fighting this battle with me. I am grateful for the ones that I know who read, and their support and friendship is so appreciated- Thank you and have a wonderful weekend.
Commuter's back and who has yours?
Well, yes, bravado and bluster for the start of fall semester meant jumping in at Mach 10 with my hair on fire- and yes, already I have been singed.
Driving more this semester, which means a bit more pressure on my barely functional lower back- previous trauma and lack of ability to follow doctor's orders (bed rest (!!!), therapy, massages 3 times a week at least. . lolz) means it is pretty much one of those "at any given moment" type things- as in "at any given moment" (read the worst possible timing) it can just go out- which it did this week- hip felt like it was level with my ear, walking crooked, and well, you get the point. Thought it was better, until today, trying to get out of the car, and I could. not. move. Literally, could not stand, could not sit back in the car- felt like my back had locked at my hips and I was stuck there.
Yes, it hurt, it really did, but the worst part was. . .I had no one here to call for help. I hate being reminded of how alone I am, and how much if I do fail for any reason in any of my duties or responsibilities that there will be no back up, there will be no looking up to see the Roharim at the hilltop no Shadowfax, no Gandalph, just orcs and Sauron's eye waiting for you to fail and fall.
Stood there for what seemed like hours, and lowered myself to the concrete and crawled a bit, got a bit better. . .long story short, having a bad back with no one to have your back is just sad.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Brief. . .but so topical
Reminded of the post here- especially with an interesting turn of events by way of an e mail about the possibility of a. . .BOOK. . .ummm really? I have to go back to my actual work- however, very topical and a never ending battle with society and reality I give you this archive item to chew on while I try to find time to update:)
Monday, September 6, 2010
Tashlich. .
Just as fish may be caught in a fisherman's net, so, too, we are caught in the net of judgment. . .
At the Lake with Precious today- to begin getting ready for the High Holidays. . .and into the lake we cast our doubts, fears, baggage and all of the heavy burdens fromt he past year- guilt, shanme, anger, depression, illness and self pity all went into the lake. . .and we face this new year ready for better, stronger, and much more peace and tranquility. . .G0d Willing. . .
Leshanah tovah tikateiv veteichateim, "May you be inscribed and sealed for a good year."
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Amazing. . .and yes STILL autistic. . .grrr
So- school started this week, and we are off to a GREAT start here under the umbrella. . .all of us are hip deep into our respective school years, with the exception of some new staff members at Precious's school who feel that with the proper Behavior Modifications we could "cure" him. . .really???? Ummmmmmm. . . .k. . .next question. . .grrrrrr
Though I am totally feeling like I am sinking up to my neck. . .I am glad to be making progress toward graduation. . .
Though I am totally feeling like I am sinking up to my neck. . .I am glad to be making progress toward graduation. . .
I met with my AIS, Amazing, Insightful Sage (aka Yoda) about my path to graduation and we have it carved out with a May 2012 grad date, a March 2012 defense to shoot for and all sorts of wonderful deadlines that work so well for me, I love having that due date!
So- A LOT of work to do, with only a few fun things planned for the next few months. . .work and a bit of play, then MORE work. . .GAME ON FALL 2010~
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