When you are faced with any kind of problem or situation that requires trust and strength, one thing that is vital to your future happiness is your word.
Break your word, and the rest of it goes too- you save nothing, lose everything if you do not keep your word. Trust, integrity, strength, love, respect and hope can all be destroyed if you break your word. As someone who has had too many promises broken- I cannot will not break my word, no matter what, that is not an option.
Without your word, you can not go very far, because so much of our lives go on faith and trust- you have faith in the people you surround yourself with, they trust you to have their back- and you hope and trust they have yours. . .it all depends on keeping your word. The start and end of good and bad relationships friends, romantic partners, spouses. . .your word is the foundation and whether or not the relationship lasts depends on that strength, or falls because of weakness. . .of your word
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