Friday, December 4, 2009


Baby Boy!
10 years ago today, we started down this road together- and what a road it's been! From the scary to the amazing, the sad and the glad, through it all my Precious, one thing has never EVER wavered, my belief in the factual statement
I knew you could do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When I found out you had autism, and that we had a few things to take care of, and that I had to get my butt in gear, one thing became my mantra, and I NEVER EVER FORGOT. . .that you could do it, all of it, I just had to figure out a way to get everyone else to understand that. Remember, Precious? Remember that first day of school? Maybe not but I do and wow!
We won so much didn't we? The right to be there when people tried to keep you out. Your humanity when people tried to treat you like condition. Your dignity when people tried to treat you like you did not understand. . .and LOOK WHERE YOU ARE PRECIOUS!!!!

MAINSTREAMED, LOUD AND PROUD and so totally down with your bad self, not an autistic self- your autism is only part of who you are. . .YOU ARE YOU and I AM SOOOOOOO proud of you!

Happy Birthday Precious- I love you!

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