Sunday, April 26, 2009

Much Ado about nothing much

So- the results are in. . .and there is really no medical, well, pathological reason or reasons that explain feeling poorly under the umbrella. . .cue the music. it is actually official, I am suffering from. . .wait for it. . . stress!
Sheesh! As anti climactic as my sex life. . .I cannot believe I fell for it- all signs point to stress. . .a ton of medical tests later. . .stress
So- I have been going to this doctor for 15 years or so, and he "consulted" with me after the tests all came back negative or normal. . .for a kinder gentler paternalistic session on my life, or the lack thereof. . .
The following is a paraphrased account of that consultation, names have been changed for maximum ventability;
Dr. Peter White- So, we have to look at other options for your to feel better. . .
RM- We do?
DPW- Yes, we do. You are having issues with your health, and nothing is physically wrong with you, but that may change if you do not look at your life and choices you are making. . . .
RM- *
DPW- You need to calm down, you need to take a look at your life and try to make changes that will lower your stress level
RM- **
DPW- SO, let's look at your life, right now, tell me about your day, what have you done so far today
DPW- Ummm, ok, well, how important is the whole getting the degree thing?
DPW- Have you thought about getting that degree posthumously, and having it cost your kids your parenting and love and care?
DPW- That is where you may be headed, if you do not do something to change your life.
DPW- So, let's look at small, every day changes you can make in your life to make your day less stressful.
DPW- Have you ever thought of a daily ritual that would relax you? Baths, walks, smoothies?
DPW- You know, just a bit of time you can set aside for yourself- an hour or 2. . .exercise, read(!!!), do some arts or crafts, make a smoothie. . .
DPW- I would seriously consider your options regarding your current workload- and make sure this degree seeking behavior is truly the best course for your to take at this point in your life. Maybe you should just get a real job and slow down the ambitions a bit.
DPW- See if a smoothie a day will help. . .and a walk
RM- Um. . .yeah. . .
*- Are your fucking KIDDING me??
**Get the FUCK out of HERE with that shit!
***??? Whaa. . .
Apparently getting my degree is a threat, no wait, my AMBITION SEEKING BEHAVIOR, is a threat. . .
I have decided to blog more- if for no other reason to make fun of this whole sad event. . .
But hey, good news- I am not sick. . .just stressed. . .:)
Story of my life!


Anonymous said...

Hmm...perhaps a female doctor with children is in order...


PS not meaning to freak you out by reading.

Ema said...

Ya think??

No worries, Amanda, I told you you could. . .:)

laurafingerson said...

That is *hilarious*. (Stars intended to follow your notations.) I am, of course, happy that you don't have a brain tumor or some other horrible disease. But, imagine you having *stress*? I like the arts-and-crafts suggestion. I can just see what "arts" and "crafts" a stressed mother working on her PhD could come up with......

And, don't let the *doctor* give you drugs!!

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