This is the very essence of you KIA- poised, ready for action alert and watchful
20th century meets 21rst- yes he is talking to 2 people at once, one on land line, one on cell!
Precious and KIA
Playing John Proctor in The Crucible- Senior year in high school
20 years ago today, my mini me was born. I knew it right away for many reasons-
You were born. . .STUBBORN. . .so much so that you did not breathe right away. . .and had to be whisked away for your first few minutes to get revived. . .somewhat. . .I found out later that you were actually clenched fisted DEFIANT and did not FEEL LIKE breathing just then, and ACTUALLY resisted the oxygen you were given. . .until um "encouraged" to accept it. . .
I looked at you, and knew the name I had picked out was not gonna do it. . .Aaron. . .ummmmm NOPE you do not look like an Aaron. . .so you will be CAMERON, and yes, it fits you perfectly! Unique, strong, and since the unfortunate incident with the golf club, even its literal meaning fits. . .
Oh, and the unique nature of you was so obvious right away- not going into your deep sleep. . .almost EVERY SINGLE BABY BORN EVER would sack out for 5-7 hours after birth. . .and YOU my sweet one. . .refused, with the cheerful nurse bringing you in to my room and you squalling your head off, saying in her chirpy voice "he just doesn't want to go into his deep sleep. . .giggle" Ummmm, yeah, funny a baby that doesn't want to sleep. . .he is SOOOOOOO my kid:) WALKING before you got your first tooth, not napping after you were a year old, your complete disinterest in fiction books as a kid, going hard down for the fact books on everything from weather to rocks. Your taste in music is nothing short of amazing, I have learned so much from you, being your mom made me a better person. I can honestly say I would not be who I am without the amazing presence you bring to my life! And your literary interests, from LOTR to graphic novels and everything in between- you are an amazing individual in every sense of the word, and I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!
Never one to follow always ready to lead and NEVER ever doing something because you were told to. . .as vexing as that is as your mom, as a fellow human being, I totally respect the hell out of you for your fierce independence, your unwavering idealism, and your stubborn streak that runs through you like a strand of titanium making your backbone strong and your commitment to your sense of right and wrong unshakable.
AND you have now committed to a career that fills me with pride- you want to teach college history someday, and will be going after your dream of a doctorate in history. . .Cameron, wow, every time I think you cannot amaze me any more than you do- you surprise me.
I love you today and every day CamMan.
Happy Birthday!