Ever have one of those situations where someone has really screwed you over and has leveled you, at your core with all the ammo you gave them to use? Hey really. . .? Me too! :)
Well, maybe you are a much better person than I am- but in the aftermath of the marriage implosion. . .I admit I was wondering, dare I say hoping, that he would some day come to regret what he gave up. . .and that well, ok that it would at the very least sting. . .nothing bad, just feel regret. He did a lot of damage to my kids and to me, and wanted regret at least if not out and out remorse.
By promising to keep the kids out of it, NO bad mouthing, NO sniping, NO WAY WILL I TRASH THE MAN, I realized that it would be, well, some closure I guess, to realize that it really was his fault that we ended, and that, well, I dared to hope that by the time he did realize this, I would maybe have healed enough to maybe let someone in, and that when things did become clear to him, well, I would be feel sorry for him. . .maybe, but totally not be in any mind to entertain going back to that mess.
OMG- we can just say that Karma really IS watching what we do. . .and she really DOESN'T LIKE some actions a WHOLE LOT.
The OMG I HAVE TO HAVE HER feeling he had for one of the women he was with faded, one of the others went COMPLETELY MENTAL on him, and the OMG SHES THE ONE THAT I WISH I HAD MARRIED INSTEAD OF YOU left him high and dry and he found out that I was. . .well. . .blush blush fluttering eye lashes. . .you know.
Because of the insanity, I have had to add edits to make sure the reader can interpret his bullshit dialect- it is a vintage brand-
UMMMMMM he went completely nuts. I mean really.nucking futs. . .seriously and well, he seems a bit better but yeah, as in if you don't get the hell out of here I am calling the police kind of thing.
CWOAE*-SEE MY UNDYING LOVE (now that my Internet people are all crazy) for YOU. . . declarations of that sort are rare for me (to make with a straight face). . .don't throw away (??????????? WTF????) our marriage (ummmm it is already over. . .whoa!) give me another chance (to treat you like total shit) and make you feel (all of the humiliation I can) like you did when we were married.
Me- OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CWOAE- THINK of the KIDS (like I did when I left them at the park on the 4th with the psycho bitch I met online) and listen to your HEART (ummm my heart is elsewhere and it is under close guard, totally safe) YOU KNOW YOU WANT ME (to just get the fuck over it) and that I have been the only one for you (to come REALLY CLOSE TO wishing ill will to for a very long time). HOW can any guy (notice no use of the term man) COMPARE TO ME (ummmm why would they want to compare themselves to you???)
Me- OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CWOAE- YOU KNOW YOU WANT ME (to get a clue and stop scaring the kids) If you don't want me, I guess I WILL JUST HAVE TO MOVE ON (by this he means leaving the kids too)
Me- this is not the time or the place, go now. . .
CWOAE- FINE GOOD LUCK RAISING THEM YOURSELF (ummmmmm seriously dude????)
Ok, for those of you keeping score- yes, in addition to the 20 year old in our bed (that I got to witness in spectacular Jerry Springer fashion), and the online ones, including the psycho he was with when I found out I had cancer. . .NOW it is my fault. . .cause I had my chance to go back to the greatness it was. . not.
OMG- ALL HAIL KARMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
* Cheating Whore of an Ex