Dealing with Life's raindrops- from under the Mother of all Umbrellas
Thursday, January 29, 2009
So it continues
Prelims are kicking my ass- but it a good way.
I am hip deep in the excess of my field. .and it feels like I am goofing off! I feel like I should be stopping and reading something that is not so interesting. . .really sweet!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
On this day
Wait to read this until you have squeezed every last drop of euphoria from your day- this is not meant to be a kill joy, but do not read this if you are still in the heights of the new world order. I did not support him, so I am not in your zone. You have been warned. . .
Readers who follow here know that today is a rather bitter day here under the umbrella. The past year has been pretty heart wrenching- and I learned a lot about people I thought I knew- things that I am glad to have discovered, but things that horrify me nonetheless. Watching my children get verbally abused at school for wearing their McCain shirts, while their classmates jeered at them, many of the teachers tacitly agreed. . .and did nothing. The horrible supporters of this new president who treated an elderly McCain supporter in a wheelchair most terribly and tried to hit me with a sign when I intervened. . . the list goes on
Random thoughts;
I am stunned by the antisemitism in the many of the followers of the new president that I know and that have read on blogs like Kos and Huffington- people who have called Jews by the most horrible names, nazis and the like, for the "crime" of protection of their people and have taken to demonizing Israel as evil nazis, while saying nothing about the attacks on Jews in Israel proper. . .the attacks were coming from an area that Israel left in August 2005. . .people who claim they want the new president to bring peace. . .but destroy Israel. . .with no real word what would happen to the Jews and non Jews living there. Stunning, I am leery of a person who attracts such followers, and scared of a world where people can open call for the death of people like me, and the world yawns and agrees. . .
I am not sold on Hope and change that is devoid of any substance, and I resent being called a racist for asking questions about his plans for this country.
I do not trust a president who is on record accusing people like my brothers of "strafing villages" full of civilians, without any supporting documentation for the charge, and do not feel he supports the military, and that is a big problem for this Marine brat. He may yet earn my trust- but his cabinet picks do not inspire me at all, and the Blago foundation of his very political being is very problematic indeed.
Something that really bothers me; How then, will people like me find a voice? Dissent is being discouraged, which I find really odd, given the last several years of calling the sitting president a murderer, burning him in effigy, and slandering him at every turn and at the same time stating they were "afraid" of their president and the rights he was taking away, I am not saying they were wrong, I am saying that irony is a strange thing. . .I cannot even question his relationship with a man that would have plotted to kill people like my father during the 60s, the one who dedicated his book to, among others Sirhan Sirhan. . .the murderer of RFK. . .and who Canada would not let into their country because of his past-I want to know more, and that doesn't make me a racist.
A few final things;
I am a Zionist Jew- period. So, when you continue to forward e mails to me off of listservs that call for the death of the "Zionists" you are, for all intents and purposes, sending me a death threat. If you do not stop thoughtlessly sending these things to me and my family, as I share these with my older children, I may act, via user agreements, to keep you from doing so. Please READ BEFORE YOU FORWARD!
I am not sold on this new president, and 47 million others like me did not vote for him. I do wish this country well, and by extension, the new president. But I do not trust he has the best interests of people like me in mind. . .and I will say no more except Dissent is the highest form of patriotism and
G-d Bless America
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Rocking these past few months. . .
Precious Thoughts
Happy Precious
Looking up
Deep thoughts. . .
So many things have been going on lately- it is amazing how fast this school year is going, too fast, as the kids get older and older, the time just speeds by- and I find myself wanting to pause it, stop it, and hold so many of these days for as long as I can. . .knowing that it is just going to get worse, and sooner than I am ready for it, they will be old enough to go out on their own. .. but until then, I have these years, so few, to protect them, care for them, and know they are safe every day. . .and there is hope, big time, that Precious, in due time will take his place out there too.
The biggest change that has happened with Precious is his very real and expressed cognitive thoughts. He has really been amazing in his development of 1. thinking of something and then 2. expressing it!
Nothing in the world can really prepare you for the experience of having a child that requires special care- but WOW- you are humbled as a parent on 2 fronts- 1. you NEVER take any achievement, no matter how small, for granted again, and 2. You realize how much you take for granted every day.
With typical kids- the milestones are seen as an eventuality, and they usually arrive as scheduled. . .logged into a baby book, or something, but a mental checklist has some item checked off as these occur. . .and that is just how it goes. . .until you have a child with a different checklist, or maybe a much less ambitious one. . .and then, everything changes.
At this stage in his education, 3rd grade, I find I STILL have to educate people about my son. . .to the point of ad nausea um. . .and and shocked that I am still shocked by the ignorance about him as a person, and how willing some are to see him as autism, not a child.
Case in point, after years of speech therapy, and a HUGE amount of advancement in his verbal communication. . .I was asked if I wanted him to learn how to use a computer to speak. . .WTF people??? Give me a fucking break with this, you wanna take a kid who can speak, is doing better and better over time, and take that away for a computer?? Come on!
It gets better- she READ it somewhere that an autistic kid used one to talk. . .yeah, about that. . .NOT ALL AUTISTIC KIDS ARE THE SAME!
But Precious is inspiring to see, every day, and for more reasons than I can count- I am proud to be a Rainmom!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
All aboard. . .the crazy train
Keep in mind mind- this is a 'peace' rally. . .
Sigh. . . I-S-R-A-E-L, get it right, s-h-i-t-h-e-a-d
Sigh. . . I-S-R-A-E-L, get it right, s-h-i-t-h-e-a-d
So, Hamas lauches rockets for years at Israel proper, not "occupied" anything. . .almost a DECADE. . .and when Israel finally tries to put a stop to it. . .SHE has to be destroyed??
Get your tickets ready, this only makes sense on the crazy train. . .
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Sucks to be Jew
Pssst- it is spelled I-s-r-a-e-l. . .a-s-s-h-o-l-e! Do not get me started on "exstinct" and Jesus as a cyborg. . . is that a price tag. . .sheesh
Hmm- this is rather ambiguous. . .wonder what the real meaning is. . .such delicate subtle language and imagery. . .
Yes, that says what you think it does. . .she wants you to kill Jews. . .for peace. . .in France
See, this would REALLY make me feel bad. . .except for 2 things- 1. Jews do not believe in hell. . .and 2. many here on earth are making me wonder just who or what you have to be to get in to Hell. . .
Amazing- years of rockets raining on Jewish civilians. . .they are dismissed as "homemade" and, in an amazing act of making a molehill of a mountain- "nagging" the Jews. . .Israel out of Gaze in 2005- and the rockets are coming every day, and when the IDF FINALLY acts to end these attacks- wow, international crisis time. . .
Disproportionate? Ok, the IDF could just launch nagging bombs, in the same numbers,m using the same willful disregard for civilians. . .sound good?
Where is the condemnation for the Hamas leaders who are firing from civilian buildings and putting their electorate in danger? Where is the call for the end of killing and maiming Jewish children. . .in ISRAEL- enough of the occupation shit!
Dear friends- you are free to support whatever causes you will- could you PLEASE take me off your list of contacts for this crap. . .please?
When I see these pictures, and when I read this crap, I get sick to my stomach from the fear for my children, my JEWISH children.
Comfort yourselves all you want with thoughts of "they really mean Zionists when they say kill Jews(!!!)" or call them uneducated and in need of education. . .continue to pretend that a 2 state plan will work.
Go ahead and think "if they ever encountered a Jewish friend of mine, they would surely NOT hurt him/her" and remember Danny Pearl and Adam Berg, the Munich Olympians and their coaches, Yoni Netenyahu, Leon Klinghoffer. . .Chabad House in Mumbai. . .act after brutal act of slaughter. . .of Jews. . .in the name of. . .?
A Yisroel CHAI!!!
Am Yisroel CHAI
Yeah- so, I get it- you hate Israel. . .do you also hate Jews? If so, you are not 'anti Zionist' you are antisemitic. . .and if you are saying "Death to Jews" or sending me e mails and announcements that have people saying I need an oven, or that Hamas should gas Jews. . .you run the risk of REALLY pissing me off. . .
FYI- proof read people! I do not WANT to have you sening me this crap and telling me I am an exception! I am NOT an exception, I am included in this horrible crap. . .
Friday, January 9, 2009
Beloved Bear. . .
With our Sweet German exchange student
Alas, gourd Yorick, he knew him well . . . .
Alas, gourd Yorick, he knew him well . . . .
15 years old today- beloved bear. . .I am thankful for every second! When I think back to those early years- the scary hospital visits, the constant alert for cardiac issues, the eckos with your baby heart beating blood out of the hole in your ventricles. . .and the constant worry. . .am I going to lose this baby? How can I let myself love him, what if I lose him, should I just keep things in perspective. . .back and forth, until finally, I realized that while I was wondering if I should not love you too much in case I lost you. . .I was falling in love with your sweet face, and the way you snuggled in my arms when you fell asleep there. . .I realized I was carrying you around all the time, because I wanted to keep an eye on you. . .and I was hooked on your sweet face. . .
You are now a 6 foot 2 inch tall young man. . .with a fully operational heart with no more holes in it. . .and I love you so very much.
You are my pride, my joy, my muffin, matzah muffin during Pesach :)
Happy 15th, Yelid gadol vay tov!
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Yeah, about that. . .
Thursday, January 1, 2009
The Hope
As long as the Jewish spirit is yearning deep in the heart,
With eyes turned toward the East, looking toward Zion,
Then our hope - the two-thousand-year-old hope - will not be lost:
To be a free people in our land,
The land of Zion and Jerusalem
With eyes turned toward the East, looking toward Zion,
Then our hope - the two-thousand-year-old hope - will not be lost:
To be a free people in our land,
The land of Zion and Jerusalem
My heartfelt thoughts and prayers to my cousins, and all in the IDF and to all. . . . Prayers for an end to the rockets. . .from BOTH sides. . .
Prayer for Members of the Israel Defense Force
He Who blessed our forefathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob - may He bless the fighters of the Israel Defense Force, who stand guard over our land and the cities of our God from the border of the Lebanon to the desert of Egypt, and from the Great Sea unto the approach of the Aravah, on the land, in the air, and on the sea.
He Who blessed our forefathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob - may He bless the fighters of the Israel Defense Force, who stand guard over our land and the cities of our God from the border of the Lebanon to the desert of Egypt, and from the Great Sea unto the approach of the Aravah, on the land, in the air, and on the sea.
May Hashem cause the enemies who rise up against us to be struck down before them. May the Holy One, Blessed is He, preserve and rescue our fighting men from every trouble and distress and from every plague and illness, and may He send blessing and success in their every endeavor.
May He lead our enemies under their sway and may He grant them salvation and crown them with victory. And may there be fulfilled for them the verse: For it is Hashem, your God, Who goes with you to battle your enemies for you to save you.
Now let us respond: Amen.
Now let us respond: Amen.
Am Yisrael CHAI!!!!
The year behind and ahead
Hard to tell, but there is a harbor seal in the above picture- while on my Whale Cruise in Boston in August, the guide pointed out that;
The harbor seal was very very rare in that open water and
She had a lot of respect for that little spunky seal. . .
I want to be a spunky seal this year, and go into waters where it is rare for seals like me to swim.
I want to continue to instill that willingness in my children, guide them and urge them to hit the waters with an eye toward adventure and hopefully, reward.
So, the umbrella is still up, and the family is still dry. . .and so it will stay. . .
Happy New Year from Under the Umbrella!
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