Another school year has passed, and it is with great appreciation that I share with you how spectacular Precious's teachers were this year. Once again, his teachers went to all lengths to help him reach his potential. This was an important year for my son, he transitioned into a full day of school- having ended his intensive therapy in February.The efforts of his teachers, Mrs. H and Mrs. M were nothing short of amazing, and I could not have been more pleased. They displayed the most amazing sense of purpose with my son, with the core assumption being that my son could and would do everything the other children did, and that was that! Their care and concern and their patience with his progress were amazing, and it was so effective as we made the leap into full day school. They are amazing!
Mr. G, Precious's "friend", was another amazing part of his team! Precious would always report that he "Played with friends" at school, and Mr. G was an exceptional friend in dealing with my son. Because of his efforts, he was able to make huge leaps this year, and I could not be happier!Mrs. N, his EA was another crucial part of the team- and without her efforts, Precious would have not done nearly as well. Her care and concern did not mean Precious could rest on his laurels, she pushed him to do his best, and I am so happy with how well this year went. The teaching staff is to be commended for their efforts on behalf of all their students, but I single them out because they never once treated him like an inferior damaged child, and I am very grateful, of course, because he is not treated that way at home.
All of the hard work by Precious and his teachers paid off, and I look forward to each passing year as another chance to allow him to excel, however, the article in the Press today took quite a bit of air out of my sails. To see the "blame" for substandard performance by a school laid at the feet of people like my son was crushing, to say the very least.
Rest assured, I would be calling this person myself, if my child was one of the singled out, and consider this article and the statements attributed to staff members as most troubling. I am hoping that more information will be provided so these 64 students do not have to be burdened with the cruel comments about their school performance. That would really be a shame to see, in light of the excellent education my son has received thus far in his school "career".
Thanks so much for your time,
So, yeah, regressing. . . NOT!
Dealing with Life's raindrops- from under the Mother of all Umbrellas
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Thursday, June 26, 2008
So, you say you wanna be a doctor??

So it begins-
Meeting to get started on the whole prelim thing. . .wow, this is really geting serious! Can I really pull this off? Tune in folks, as the stomach churns. . .
See, the whole time I have been going to class, semester in, semester out, bitch bitch, bitch- classes suck, adjuncting REALLY REALLY REALLY suck, well the pay, NOT the teaching, I LOVE my students who are so sassy and give me grief. . .the pay? My summer class, online, 17 students? I will net a whopping 3.73 cents an hour. . .which is 5 dollars an hour LESS than my McDonalds pay, and 4.27 cents less than my Merry Maids pay. . .good thing I am not doing anything important like teaching critical thinking skills or social things. . .whew! (oooh the sarcasm is ESPECIALLY chilly today). In the big picture- I command more respect from my coworkers at either of the above mentioned job than I do from some of the faculty at my adjunct nation. . .which is only worth it because saying you are adjunct faculty sounds SOOOO much better than "crew manager" "fry specialist" "Grill operator" or "floor/tile cleaner" or, my FAVORITE "Toilet wand/Mop up" which was the job for the newbies- turnover being what it is, I did this twice. . .
But I digress-
Can the white trash Jew girl with the 6 kids really pull this off? So much riding on this, first, I really really REALLY want this. . .lock stock and a kick ass smoking title. . .for sure. It is the only thing that I have ever had a real chance at doing and doing well. . .so that is one.
Another reason? Life after unplanned teen pregnancy. . .there is one, and it is SO awesome! Life after AFDC and food stamps, living in tents, when lucky, in bus shelters, garages and unlocked cars when not. . .
I am surprised at my cold feet! I did not stress my WEDDING this much, hmmmmm.
So, Rainmom is getting ready to lock this up. . .eeeeeeeeek, need some music lyrics- enjoy!
Special MAD props to Disturbed. . .see you in August-
The Curse
Marked for demolition,
I'm Just a time bomb ticking inside
No hope for the hopeless,
I can see the pieces are laid out in front of me
No point even asking why
Couldn't help even if you try
Step inside and you might just be the next contestant
To feel the Brutality!
Devastation, Obliteration Are all in a part of Exacerbation
There's no explaining my situation,
Now why does this shit keep happening to me?
I've held on too long just to let it go now,
Will my inner strength get me through it some how
Defying the curse that has taken hold
Never surrender, I'll never be overcome!
Too dark for forgiveness, I Can't seem to do anything right
When I try to rebuild I see my humble shelter Just fall to the ground again
Object to the evil, I No point to let anyone try
Take heed my friend lest you be torn asunder
Like all that's become of me
Decimation, Disintegration All being apart of imagination,
There's no explaining my situation
Now why does this shit keep happening to me?
I've held on too long just to let it go now,
Will my inner strength get me through it some how
Defying the curse that has taken hold
Never surrender, I'll never be overcome!
I've held on too long just to let it go now,
Will my inner strength get me through it some how
Defying the curse that has taken hold
Never surrender, I'll never be overcome!
I've held on too long just to let it go now,
Will my inner strength get me through it some how
Defying the curse that has taken hold
Never surrender,
I'll never be overcome!
Planes, Trains, and assholes
Ok, the story has no quotes from other people on the plane, and well, if you are turning a plane around in post 9/11 society, you need to pony up a reason- however, the pilot did not have to say that it was her. . .in my opinion.
Yep- read the comments. . .my favorite? "
"Parents: stop saying your child is autistic when the truth is that you can't control them! I have no sympathy for any parent. If you can't control your child on a plane, drive! The flight crew is not there to be understanding when you and your child are causing a disruption or endangering the other passengers. GOOD FOR THE FLIGHT CREW"
Yes, we ALL want to excuse our children this way. . .Man Precious is the LAST kid in this house that I have trouble with. . .KIA, Cocoa. . .THEY have issues:)
Ok, the story has no quotes from other people on the plane, and well, if you are turning a plane around in post 9/11 society, you need to pony up a reason- however, the pilot did not have to say that it was her. . .in my opinion.
Yep- read the comments. . .my favorite? "
"Parents: stop saying your child is autistic when the truth is that you can't control them! I have no sympathy for any parent. If you can't control your child on a plane, drive! The flight crew is not there to be understanding when you and your child are causing a disruption or endangering the other passengers. GOOD FOR THE FLIGHT CREW"
Yes, we ALL want to excuse our children this way. . .Man Precious is the LAST kid in this house that I have trouble with. . .KIA, Cocoa. . .THEY have issues:)
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
While we are talking about concerts. . .
Wanna know WHY I fear the domination of ANYTHING by like interests? Here is a great example of the latent function of absolute power. . .
So- KIA graduates, and he wants, as a gift, to meet and greet with the band Nightwish, mentioned in the previous post. I am lucky (?) enough to find VIP tickets, for the concert, which, for extra money, includes a "Meet and Greet" with the band. Yeah! Wha Hoo!!! Right?
The venue decided to make the details of the VIP session a SECRET and even though we were there on time, security shunted the parking to a great far off location and we missed the session! After that, the concert is just the general admission standing room only event.
OF COURSE the venue washed their hands of it, OF course Ticketmaster could not care any less, as evidenced by the "superior commitment to customer satisfaction" dripping from these e mails;
I wrote this-
"While I know that Ticketmaster has no reason to listen, I am really tired of losing money for things you promise, and then make it impossible to recover that money. I went to the Pearl Room in Il. to see Nightwish on May 31, and had purchased VIP tickets. The venue stated that you had to be in by 6:30 for the 7pm show. . .and then had the security detail make you park a far distance from the venue. By the time we got to the door- the VIP tickets were no good- and the venue could not have cared less, as I am sure you are not going to care. Nightwish is going to be at HOB Chicago in September, any tips on how I can actually receive what I get, you know, the VIP part, provided I can even purchase VIP tickets?
The May 31 VIP tickets were my son's graduation gift, and to not get the meet and greet was very disappointing. The LAST HOB show had yet another screw up and we were treated like criminals after the show, and the band had class enough to make it up to us, Ticketmaster and HOB just ignored the problem. With all the money I pay for tickets, and all of your "fees" it is especially galling to pay for something that you do not get, and then have everyone say, "not MY problem"
The reply from Ticketmaster was less than stellar;
Dear Sir/Madam, Thank you for your e-mail regarding Local Vip. We apologize for any inconvenience. Please be advised, we only handle National Vip. If you have any further question or concern please contact us. Thank you for using Ticketmaster. We very much appreciate your business, and hope we were able to resolve any problems or answer any questions you had. Please reply to this email if we may be of further assistance.
Sincerely, Daisy_ZYS756 Ticketmaster.com Customer Support
I then replied thus;
This makes no sense- but whatever. You have a complete monopoly on things and can afford to blow off people who are riped off because you do not back what you sell-so, I can just spend my money on other things and events, but hey. . .Thanks for the complete lack of customer service and the dependable dissatisfaction, your streak remains unbroken! 100% of the time you refuse to deal with nondelivery of services paid for, Good job!
And their reply. . . .?
Nothing! And people, with a straight face, tell me that having the same party in control of the Federal budget would be an improvement! Puleeeze!
Absolute power corrupts absolutely! Whoever said that? WORD!
So- KIA graduates, and he wants, as a gift, to meet and greet with the band Nightwish, mentioned in the previous post. I am lucky (?) enough to find VIP tickets, for the concert, which, for extra money, includes a "Meet and Greet" with the band. Yeah! Wha Hoo!!! Right?
The venue decided to make the details of the VIP session a SECRET and even though we were there on time, security shunted the parking to a great far off location and we missed the session! After that, the concert is just the general admission standing room only event.
OF COURSE the venue washed their hands of it, OF course Ticketmaster could not care any less, as evidenced by the "superior commitment to customer satisfaction" dripping from these e mails;
I wrote this-
"While I know that Ticketmaster has no reason to listen, I am really tired of losing money for things you promise, and then make it impossible to recover that money. I went to the Pearl Room in Il. to see Nightwish on May 31, and had purchased VIP tickets. The venue stated that you had to be in by 6:30 for the 7pm show. . .and then had the security detail make you park a far distance from the venue. By the time we got to the door- the VIP tickets were no good- and the venue could not have cared less, as I am sure you are not going to care. Nightwish is going to be at HOB Chicago in September, any tips on how I can actually receive what I get, you know, the VIP part, provided I can even purchase VIP tickets?
The May 31 VIP tickets were my son's graduation gift, and to not get the meet and greet was very disappointing. The LAST HOB show had yet another screw up and we were treated like criminals after the show, and the band had class enough to make it up to us, Ticketmaster and HOB just ignored the problem. With all the money I pay for tickets, and all of your "fees" it is especially galling to pay for something that you do not get, and then have everyone say, "not MY problem"
The reply from Ticketmaster was less than stellar;
Dear Sir/Madam, Thank you for your e-mail regarding Local Vip. We apologize for any inconvenience. Please be advised, we only handle National Vip. If you have any further question or concern please contact us. Thank you for using Ticketmaster. We very much appreciate your business, and hope we were able to resolve any problems or answer any questions you had. Please reply to this email if we may be of further assistance.
Sincerely, Daisy_ZYS756 Ticketmaster.com Customer Support
I then replied thus;
This makes no sense- but whatever. You have a complete monopoly on things and can afford to blow off people who are riped off because you do not back what you sell-so, I can just spend my money on other things and events, but hey. . .Thanks for the complete lack of customer service and the dependable dissatisfaction, your streak remains unbroken! 100% of the time you refuse to deal with nondelivery of services paid for, Good job!
And their reply. . . .?
Nothing! And people, with a straight face, tell me that having the same party in control of the Federal budget would be an improvement! Puleeeze!
Absolute power corrupts absolutely! Whoever said that? WORD!
Recap the MADNESS. . .

I will try to anyway:)
So- the MOSH first. Went the Nightwish concert, took along 2 of my kids, and 3 of KIA's friends. . .and my 14 year old was somehow in the middle of the mosh pit. Now, I LOVE watching the behavior of men/boys at these concerts, the energy is beyond belief, the patterns of interaction are just too fascinating, and well, I love the music, so it is always a good time. In my youth, I would actually study the gender thing by going in the pit and the age thing as well, as I am an old fuddy. . .and well it has always worked out.
This time was different- A female tried to PUNCH my kid, I think, well she punched someone else, and the someone else, a guy, punched her! Whoa! Got my baby right on out of there! I had not ever seen a woman get hit before, usually they are "passed" with groping aplenty, this was the first time I had seen this happen!
Other than that, it was a GREAT concert, and I saw my crush so up close. . .LOVE my BAMFs!
School/online will have to wait for another time. . ..too much!
The kids are driving me nuts and Muffin sent 3 letters home from camp pleading homesickness and crying. . .sigh, I hope he is doing better!
More later, time for Spanish Camp!
Friday, June 20, 2008
So- about the whole prelim thing. . .

It appears. . .YET again, that my greatest barrier to completing my degree is. . .red tape!
I am STILL waiting for my reply from the office, I mean really, is it too much to ask for an answer to a question asked 3 weeks ago!?
See, there is this "internal" document that one of the advisors needs to sign, he is kind of a nebbish, but up until now, I had no reason to care. . .but Now?
Wish wash, dittle dattle, and THEN he cites "childcare duties" as a reason for his very light schedule! WTF? He has 2, I have 6, well, 5 still at home, and I do not have the option of picking my hours, my kids have to do that. . .so he cannot meet because of what again? Too funny that he uses that, when I was told when I started grad school that child care was not grounds for "avoiding my contractual obligations" but class and other jobs were! I've come a long way, baby??
So- it grinds, I am already happily reading my readings. . .JOY!!
AND I have new archives to poke around in........YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And KIA is no longer for Obama. . . he is now completely out of it. . .needs to figure out why he should waste gas to get to the polls in November. . .damn, I was worried about that. . .
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Whirlwind. . .in a week
How I spent the last week. . .no pictures of my continued efforts toward prelims (BLESS Endnote!) Baseball games for Butter (he WON), Gymnastics for Cocoa (pictures coming), and happy times for all!
Sigh- is it time for school yet, I need a break! :)
Friday, June 13, 2008
So it goes. . .tick tock, waiting for the next misstep and the next "this is not the ______ I knew" statement from team Bama.
He was in Kaukauna yesterday. . .and will someone with a better sense of financial knowledge tell me how he is going to "relive the middle class of its tax load" while st the same time "ensuring that ALL Americans have affordable health insurance"
How will he "ensure that businesses are paying their fair share of taxes" and "close the loopholes that keep the rich from paying their taxes" all while "ensuring that businesses pay dearly if they take production and jobs overseas"?
Really, this guy has moved beyond delusional, and is now firmly in La la land. . .
Need more evidence? Got it right here. . .
Speaking before AIPAC last week, he stated that Jerusalem would be Jewish and undivided, the capital of the Jewish state. THE VERY NEXT DAY he was saying that he really did not mean THAT the way it sounded. . .WTF, Bama?
Yes, in a stunning reversal, well stunning if you have had your head up your nose for the past year, he stated that, in fact, he believed that the Jerusalem question would be settled at a different time. . .niiiiiiiice, just like all the others. . .
Need more?
His vetting committee. . .Johnson. . .he is not a part of the campaign. . .he is just HELPING SELECT THE VP. . .the crowd goes wild over the ties to Countrywide and the shady deals in the guy's recent past, the fact that he picked the running mates for other people. . .who lost. . .but then Bama stirs it up a bit, on Youtube, look it up. . .the great Speech maker. . .uh uh uh, um um um, so FUCKING sad!
What then? You GUESSED it, the VERY NEXT DAY, Johnson gone. . .so do you see the pattern?
Instead of standing up for the people he is choosing to lead his efforts, he bumbles and stumbles, then THROWS them under the BUS. . .
Tax cuts for the middle class- people protest, Bama clarifies his statement on taxes. . .they never happen
Health care for all. . .people complain. . .he backpedals.. . .nothing happens
Does this sound like change to you?
Where is the change? He caves at every step. . .the Wright situation was the longest he took, but eventually, after they guy cut too close in saying essentially that 'Bama was only disagreeing to get elected, did he get the toss. . .this situation is so surreal. . .how can this guy be so freaking popular? Do people honestly look at this guy and think that he will do ANYTHING different for the American people?
Dammit! Come ON, people! If you had a coworker, a boss, someone in your life who was acting like this, would you trust them with anything? Why are the sheep so ready, willing and able to allow this guy to blather on about change, while acting like a typical politician? Why are they ignoring the way race has been used to quell debate and critical analysis, all while the man bleats on about having the tough race conversation?
Forget the TV version. . .The "real" is surreal!
He was in Kaukauna yesterday. . .and will someone with a better sense of financial knowledge tell me how he is going to "relive the middle class of its tax load" while st the same time "ensuring that ALL Americans have affordable health insurance"
How will he "ensure that businesses are paying their fair share of taxes" and "close the loopholes that keep the rich from paying their taxes" all while "ensuring that businesses pay dearly if they take production and jobs overseas"?
Really, this guy has moved beyond delusional, and is now firmly in La la land. . .
Need more evidence? Got it right here. . .
Speaking before AIPAC last week, he stated that Jerusalem would be Jewish and undivided, the capital of the Jewish state. THE VERY NEXT DAY he was saying that he really did not mean THAT the way it sounded. . .WTF, Bama?
Yes, in a stunning reversal, well stunning if you have had your head up your nose for the past year, he stated that, in fact, he believed that the Jerusalem question would be settled at a different time. . .niiiiiiiice, just like all the others. . .
Need more?
His vetting committee. . .Johnson. . .he is not a part of the campaign. . .he is just HELPING SELECT THE VP. . .the crowd goes wild over the ties to Countrywide and the shady deals in the guy's recent past, the fact that he picked the running mates for other people. . .who lost. . .but then Bama stirs it up a bit, on Youtube, look it up. . .the great Speech maker. . .uh uh uh, um um um, so FUCKING sad!
What then? You GUESSED it, the VERY NEXT DAY, Johnson gone. . .so do you see the pattern?
Instead of standing up for the people he is choosing to lead his efforts, he bumbles and stumbles, then THROWS them under the BUS. . .
Tax cuts for the middle class- people protest, Bama clarifies his statement on taxes. . .they never happen
Health care for all. . .people complain. . .he backpedals.. . .nothing happens
Does this sound like change to you?
Where is the change? He caves at every step. . .the Wright situation was the longest he took, but eventually, after they guy cut too close in saying essentially that 'Bama was only disagreeing to get elected, did he get the toss. . .this situation is so surreal. . .how can this guy be so freaking popular? Do people honestly look at this guy and think that he will do ANYTHING different for the American people?
Dammit! Come ON, people! If you had a coworker, a boss, someone in your life who was acting like this, would you trust them with anything? Why are the sheep so ready, willing and able to allow this guy to blather on about change, while acting like a typical politician? Why are they ignoring the way race has been used to quell debate and critical analysis, all while the man bleats on about having the tough race conversation?
Forget the TV version. . .The "real" is surreal!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Critics Rave "You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll file complaints and lawsuits"
Under the umbrella has been pretty outrageous as of late- while I know that the political has replaced the personal for a time, the personal is SO on now, and crisis after crisis has been making for a very uncomfortable few weeks.
Where to begin? How About with the crash and burn with Precious's therapy clinic.
Some background;
The same clinic that I used for his care was supposed to follow him for the duration-meaning we had looked forward to a long and beneficial relationship for years to come. Yet, by last summer, his last year of intensive therapy, things were already strained, for many reasons.
First, the senior therapist, who controlled the number of hours Precious would get per week began to behave in such a ridiculously unprofessional way that I actually suspected she was taking drugs or something. She began to cut his hours, and she would speak about me and my child to the therapists, using highly unprofessional language and really, it was just horrible. She had gone from being a person of standards to a substandard employee, and for the life of me I could not figure out what was going on with her. I complained to her boss. . .who most people believe she is sleeping with (she is married to someone else, so is he, yet she was always wearing low cut tops and curling her hair when they were doing their "rounds" together. I mean really, even clueless wondered if "something was going on with those two, the body language was unmistakable) AND of course he did nothing about it. I let it drop, thinking it would get better, it did not. . .SO
this past February Precious ended intensive therapy and we moved to a "consult" relationship with this clinic. . .which I thought meant I would have someone to consult with, and Jodi, the senior thought it meant "Cut Off No Speaking Useless Lost Time" which was the last straw. I did not hear from Jodie at ALL, and felt that she had finally just abandoned all pretense of doing her job. . .so I ended the "consult" relationship with this clinic- and thought that would be the end of it. . . NOT
See, the therapists still come here, Precious gets fewer hours, but he gets them, and these therapists still see Jodie and come here. Apparently, she has decided that the reason I ended the clinic's services is because I did not want her to see "Precious regressing" and that I was using "county money for babysitting"
Riiiiiight! It was not because she evaporated for a month, and refused to return calls- it was that I was to blame.
SO- I called her lover boss and told him that I was filing a formal complaint, I contacted Precious's social worker, and got her in to see Precious and to verify he was "not regressing" AND I filed that complaint, I hope she loses her job, and I also made sure I contacted the main office and told them the situation. . .so we will see.
From his progress report from school "Precious has advanced so much this year! He is communicating in ways that were not seen in the fall. We are all in awe of his progress. Good job Precious!"
Regressing MY ASS!!!!! *&&* * you, Jodie!
M out
Under the umbrella has been pretty outrageous as of late- while I know that the political has replaced the personal for a time, the personal is SO on now, and crisis after crisis has been making for a very uncomfortable few weeks.
Where to begin? How About with the crash and burn with Precious's therapy clinic.
Some background;
The same clinic that I used for his care was supposed to follow him for the duration-meaning we had looked forward to a long and beneficial relationship for years to come. Yet, by last summer, his last year of intensive therapy, things were already strained, for many reasons.
First, the senior therapist, who controlled the number of hours Precious would get per week began to behave in such a ridiculously unprofessional way that I actually suspected she was taking drugs or something. She began to cut his hours, and she would speak about me and my child to the therapists, using highly unprofessional language and really, it was just horrible. She had gone from being a person of standards to a substandard employee, and for the life of me I could not figure out what was going on with her. I complained to her boss. . .who most people believe she is sleeping with (she is married to someone else, so is he, yet she was always wearing low cut tops and curling her hair when they were doing their "rounds" together. I mean really, even clueless wondered if "something was going on with those two, the body language was unmistakable) AND of course he did nothing about it. I let it drop, thinking it would get better, it did not. . .SO
this past February Precious ended intensive therapy and we moved to a "consult" relationship with this clinic. . .which I thought meant I would have someone to consult with, and Jodi, the senior thought it meant "Cut Off No Speaking Useless Lost Time" which was the last straw. I did not hear from Jodie at ALL, and felt that she had finally just abandoned all pretense of doing her job. . .so I ended the "consult" relationship with this clinic- and thought that would be the end of it. . . NOT
See, the therapists still come here, Precious gets fewer hours, but he gets them, and these therapists still see Jodie and come here. Apparently, she has decided that the reason I ended the clinic's services is because I did not want her to see "Precious regressing" and that I was using "county money for babysitting"
Riiiiiight! It was not because she evaporated for a month, and refused to return calls- it was that I was to blame.
SO- I called her lover boss and told him that I was filing a formal complaint, I contacted Precious's social worker, and got her in to see Precious and to verify he was "not regressing" AND I filed that complaint, I hope she loses her job, and I also made sure I contacted the main office and told them the situation. . .so we will see.
From his progress report from school "Precious has advanced so much this year! He is communicating in ways that were not seen in the fall. We are all in awe of his progress. Good job Precious!"
Regressing MY ASS!!!!! *&&* * you, Jodie!
M out
Monday, June 9, 2008
KIA Class of 2008
This is what the grounds looked like for KIA's graduation. . .so it was moved indoors-and all was well!
It is such a bittersweet moment,and one that I will NEVER take for granted EVER again.
Wonder if my precious will graduate someday? Or will he not make it that far?
Recent events make me wonder. . . .
Sunday, June 1, 2008
So NOW you quit???? Gottenyu!
Well, Obama will be taking his prayers elsewhere now. . .bet that stings, huh, Trinity?
So, what have we learned about the man who would be king, um President?
When questioned about radical comments made by father figure, downplay and revert back no non position on issues like healthcare, student loans, energy, economy. . .begin each speech trotting out long lost relative or close relative of spouse in illustrating point that I feel your pain, umm I mean that you are the change I want. . .hope for best
As questions continue, play race card, hope for best.
When Race card not working, make race speech that replays race card while stating that playing the race card will not do any good in current culture. Call Grandma a racist (the white one) and protect father figure by telling whites and others that they just "do not understand" Black churches. . .hope for best. . .
When father figure goes on a tear mocking whites, calling AIDS a government plot carried out by Jews, and revealing, umm, insinuating, that you secretly agree with him, "repudiate" him, and hope for the best. . . .
When father figure that you could not disown any more than you could the Black community gives award to antisemite Louis Farrakhan. . .throw rest of cards down in the followng order. . .pastor no longer at YOUR church. . .he is not who I thought he was. . .his views do not represent mine. . .and hope for the best
When church invites White priest who calls political rival a entitled white woman who is upset that she is being beaten by a Black man, FINALLY cut ties with church. . .they do not reflect our views. . .and
Hope for the best. . . .
Yeah, bet diplomacy will be a real snap compared to getting your church affliation straight. . .this guy is eerily similar to someone who also knows a thing or 2 about hope. . .except his scandals were about sex and he said he was from hope (which turned out to be a lie. . .)
Give Obama any sort of pass because he is the first serious Black in the race?? Give me a break!
So, what have we learned about the man who would be king, um President?
When questioned about radical comments made by father figure, downplay and revert back no non position on issues like healthcare, student loans, energy, economy. . .begin each speech trotting out long lost relative or close relative of spouse in illustrating point that I feel your pain, umm I mean that you are the change I want. . .hope for best
As questions continue, play race card, hope for best.
When Race card not working, make race speech that replays race card while stating that playing the race card will not do any good in current culture. Call Grandma a racist (the white one) and protect father figure by telling whites and others that they just "do not understand" Black churches. . .hope for best. . .
When father figure goes on a tear mocking whites, calling AIDS a government plot carried out by Jews, and revealing, umm, insinuating, that you secretly agree with him, "repudiate" him, and hope for the best. . . .
When father figure that you could not disown any more than you could the Black community gives award to antisemite Louis Farrakhan. . .throw rest of cards down in the followng order. . .pastor no longer at YOUR church. . .he is not who I thought he was. . .his views do not represent mine. . .and hope for the best
When church invites White priest who calls political rival a entitled white woman who is upset that she is being beaten by a Black man, FINALLY cut ties with church. . .they do not reflect our views. . .and
Hope for the best. . . .
Yeah, bet diplomacy will be a real snap compared to getting your church affliation straight. . .this guy is eerily similar to someone who also knows a thing or 2 about hope. . .except his scandals were about sex and he said he was from hope (which turned out to be a lie. . .)
Give Obama any sort of pass because he is the first serious Black in the race?? Give me a break!
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