Friday, April 30, 2010


that things would stablize a bit- thought I was going to pass out after my last class today, the feeling of just wanting to let go was so strong. . .

Kids are looking forward to the weekend, and I am doing the best I can to be both to them, looking for any reason to smile I guess. Feel like such a downer type person, but trying to pretend all is well, and making sure people who are trying to cheer me up are not disappointed. . .when I'm trying to convince myself to just get over it and move on, keep trying and failing.

So hoping that the weekend goes well. . .

Thursday, April 29, 2010

About to. . .

3 days. . . .5 hours, 38 minutes. . .

Why do I want to see this movie so much??? Is it the title? That I sooo identify with the premise? Naaa, it's the tag line- "Anyone Else Would Be Dead By Now":)

I hope it doesn't suck, but hey, it has the actor who played Johnny Storm, my favorite of the Fantastic 4. . .sooo


it's hard to rely on my good intentions

when my head's full of things that i can't mention

seems i usually get things right

but i can't understand what i did last night

it's hard to rely on my own good senses

when i miss so much that requires attention

have to laugh at myself sometimes

and i can see that i'm not blind

there's little relief

give us reprieve

for all the things i've left behind

i'm positive that i'm not blind

i'm not afraid things won't get better

but it feels like this has gone on forever

you have to cry with your own blue tears

have to laugh with your own good cheer

it's hard to rely on my good intentions

when my head's full of things that i can't mention

seems i usually get things right

but i can't understand what i did last night

there's little relief

give us reprieve

imagining the world outside

i'm positive that i'm not blind

i can't be hard on you

'cause you know i've been there too

learned a lot of things from you

but life gives little relief

give us reprieve

and when everyone is cold as ice

i clinch my fists and close my eyes

imagining the world outside

but i can see that i'm not blind

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Umbrella Ink

Ok- I admit it, I have already picked out location and design for tattoo number 2. . .if you are special, you get both:) If you are my EXTRA special someone you might get to come with me. . .getting it done on my birthday which is months away, time to regain my strength and save up:)

Still Autistic

Precious had is IEP along with his evaluation for continued services. . .and hey guess what, he's still autistic. . .shocka!

One part of these evaluations is the testing. . .and it is during this time that I get so frustrated with the standardized testing process. . .grrr

On paper, using these tests, he looks like a very disadvantaged child. He is right on the EDGE of being considered severely disabled. . .based on these test scores.

I realize so deeply and acutely that he and I adapt to one another seamlessly, and for the most part, I can read him well, and I WISH I could be part of the testing world for him.

Dammit I have been fighting for 8 years to get him adapted to the real world. Together we have make a life, a routine, a LANGUAGE together, and I have been acting as interpreter to his reality. . .translating from our language to the world and back. . .and even in this meeting, I asked them to contextualize things differently in hopes that maybe the next batch of tests will look more like him. . .but I am not holding my breath.

Precious, still autistic, still awesome, still under the umbrella. . .

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

One of my many weaknesses

Ok, I have to 'fess up- I am prone to looking at things very clinically. . .and well, that usually works out for me, with one GLARING exception-

I am superstitious about one thing and it seems to be coming true. I will explain-

I lost my Star of David necklace, the first one I ever got. It is of major value in my psyche and my heart for many reasons. Pressed it to my mouth on so many occasions to ward off fear, pain, anxiety, alone or all at once. Kissed it in recognition of good fortune and success, and slept with my hand wrapped around it when I got the news that my health was looking up. . .you get the picture.

Since losing it awhile back, nothing has seemed right, and I am faced with my weakness again- I depend on material things that I give value to, instead of humans who could actually help. . .totally weird.

For example, when I went to the movie by myself, Clash of the Titans, and I felt so weird about being alone surrounded by all the couples and families. . .I reached for my necklace. . .and felt the loss again.

I know, I shouldn't put so much into it, but wow. . .

Going to see The Losers on Sunday, love the after lunch before supper time slot, and as long as I don't leave town, the older kids will babysit for a few hours. . .maybe I just need practice at this going alone to the movie thing, so that if I ever get to go with anyone again I will appreciate it:)

Monday, April 26, 2010

Progress and such

Healing nicely and that is a direct quote from the doctor today, go back in a week to make sure everything is set properly and still healing- this is good news. Kids are fine, I'll be ok, and today was sunny and all I wanted was maybe some more warmth. . .a good day

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Today. . .and beyond

Revise dissertation proposal

Shopping for odds and ends around the house

BAKING for the week. . .yummy

Movies and early bedtime to recharge for the week:)

Absolute clarity

I will not even open this with any sort of greeting- you deserve none of the trappings of civility after yesterday, and from this time forward, you will not be mentioned, not even in passing. This is my place, my world, and you do not belong in it, not even indirectly, last night sealed that, set it in stone.

Still, oddly enough again as all of our special encounters have in the past, more and more I understand what drives this need to destroy me, in any way shape or form, this time though, without you realizing it, you ended more than you know.

Your words most of all brought clarity that I needed for so long, as you railed about how you "gave me a daughter, 6 kids" I finally understand why and how this all could be possible. You did not have kids WITH me, you saw them as means to show yourself to be a stud, a real man, especially when the first 5 were boys. They were not ever meant to be a part of who you really are, they were proxy for all that is really important to you, those things that make you seem like the MAN. I could not understand, never EVER DID I GET the fact that you treated me the way you did, and yet still considered yourself a good person. Anything you do on their behalf is to make you look good to the world.

I get it now, the word is appearances, it is what drives you, to appear to the world as who you want to be not, rather than who you are. . .and you do not see yourself as the parent of amazing kids, you see yourself as the giver of them. . .and that is what matters most to you. The rest, well, you are willing and able to play games and do things like you did yesterday, and the fact that I carried these kids and that I am their mother means NOTHING. . .because they are status symbols, not precious people to you. It is why you didn't care that the kids were right there, the only time you care about that is if I am asking you to please not do anything to hurt them, you don't want them to hear anything bad about you, but you have no problem teaching them that the way you "deal with mom" is acceptable. It is not, never has been and it ends now, finally.

You gritted your teeth and told me dead calm that there were and are plenty of women who "admire the qualities I have and appreciate them the way you never did"-of this I have no doubt. Especially those who will be willing to submit to you in ways I never could willingly. You repeated that you gave me "a daughter, six kids, a home, an education" OMG REALLY??? You gave me an education? I am assuming you speak of the education of who and what you really are, because GRAD SCHOOL IS MINE, and mine alone, you bastard.

I understand so much now, why you never once apologized, why you never ever said you were wrong, why you always acted as if it was all on me. . .simply because you do not believe that anything you have done was wrong. I am to blame, in your mind, if I had been the kind of wife I was supposed to be, you would have been the kind of husband that did not do these things. I did nothing right, not even the kids, because they were things you gave to me, not precious gifts we had together. Having children with you did not mean better treatment, I am not even at Baby mama status with you, these kids were chores to you, and now they stand it the way of your hip new life. As much as I hurt right now, I am much more aware of things than I was, and it makes all the difference.

Yes, you still have to power to end support. . .but I do not buy that for a minute, because I get it now- you are NEVER going to let me have anything to support what I know about you. . .not a shred of anything to show you to be anything less than an illusion of upright responsible person. . .and it is that fact that allows me to call your bluff.

Go ahead, quit your job, leave me and my kids to rough it alone. . .as long as you understand that first and foremost, I will make it. Second? Well, it will deal a bit of a blow to your image. . .and as you know, image is everything, right?

So ends your presence in my life in any way shape or form. If you ever do what you have to in order to see the kids I will deal with it, for now. . .we are at the end.

On what matters. . .




And a pooped out Precious who was soooooo worried about the rain, fell asleep in my arms because "Mommy got you"

Friday, April 23, 2010

From here, a view of the mirage. . .

It is just not going to happen like I thought it would. I really thought leaving him would be enough, but it may have actually made things worse. I know I had made it pretty far, and I am trying, but things are changing right before my eyes, and for all my efforts, it seems that instead of being free to live my life, I am somehow getting sucked back into all of this, not sure why.

The words, they just keep on flowing, like sewer water always there to remind me of what I thought I had forgotten. . .

Seen this all before, know how it goes, and where it is headed, and well, if nothing else, it is familiar territory anyway. . .

Taking comfort in the fact that maybe somehow, this will all matter someday, this life that I tried to live and the freedom I tried to gain, that someone will remember and not make the same mistakes I did, will turn and leave and not ever look back no matter that. . .

That will make all the difference.

PiĆ¹ di adesso

Go unnoticed
Let the freedom wash away
Losing focus
The pretense is second nature
It's a broken life that i cling to
Trying to make right
I feel dismay just like you do
I feel decayed
So find me a way to leave this wasted life
Behind me (this wasted life)
Find me a way to leave this wasted life
Behind me after all this!
Yes i see you
Surrounded by the hopeless
When they need you
You're much too good and bloated
By the hopeless life that you cling to
Try to make right
I feel disdain just like you do
I feel decayed
So find me a way to leave this wasted life
Behind me (this wasted life)
Find me a way to leave this wasted life
Behind me after all
And just leave me here
Just leave me here
Just leave me here
So find me a way to leave this wasted life
Behind me
Find me a way to leave this wasted life
Behind me after all
This wasted life

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Your words are poison. . .

Hidden talents are not always good ones, I appear to have an ex who is some sort of shark when it comes to my life- he can smell blood in the water of my life and moves in for the kill-

Case in point about school. . .have not found it necessary to tell the kids when they talk to him to not say things, just got used to the whole "how are you, fine, ok, good, ok here's _____, repeat" 5 seconds per kid and parenting is done! So did not say a thing about funding. . .wanted it to stay that way, knowing it would give him unimaginable ideas. . .


Walking in to the house this week, I hear them on the phone and Cocoa says "she's trying to figure out how to pay for school next year"


Yep, he knows now, and is having a lot of fun with it. . .some of the lowlights

"told you this would never happen"

"knew you'd screw up"

"hope you find a way to hold it all together when I am not supporting your worthless ass anymore"

"bitch, it was just not meant to be" (yes, he imagines it is "hip and edgy" to use such terms)

"maybe if you would be NICE to me for a change(ya, it's that sick) I'd help you out"

I'd rather buy food for the kids and starve than go that route. . .

And people wonder why I don't believe in G-d as I once did. . .this man is going to be the death of me and the one way I know will shut him the fuck up is in doubt, because I know if I leave I will not go back. Plus I no longer have the illusion that I have plenty of time to live my life. . .since I know life may have other plans for me. . .

Has my life bottomed out yet. . .omg I hope so. . .

Some things are certain-
I am not as strong as I thought I was
I have not recovered as much as I thought I had
I am still afraid
I am further from peace than ever before
I was married to a very cruel person who is not done using what he learned to destroy what's left of me.

Somethings are not-
Will I make it through one more time?
What will I have to do to get there?
Is it worth it?
Am I?

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Best intentions, meet Hell. . .

Just wanting to escape from the world and stay under the umbrella. . .so sick of dealing with the effects of my misguided choices. . .
Tried to move beyond the pathetic human entity I was and become a more open individual, not be so wrapped up in pretending about my past. . .that was such a bad idea. . .
wanted to help someone so much because I felt like I had so much to offer and made things worse for my life and theirs- and what's worse is that the toxic effect could mean the worst for my little family. . .when all I wanted to do was help. . .
Ex still holding his job over my head, and oh yeah, no dentist in my area will take Badger care if he follows through. . .I have lost one source of funding, and now, the rest of my life may fall too- and for good measure, some toxic force may remove any income from my life. . .I am talented!
Sigh, so just want a change of pace, something ANYTHING to make it better somehow. . .and to somehow find a place to just be who I am, support my kids and have a life free of fear of violence and be happy. . .
Still hoping for my happy ending. . .

Monday, April 19, 2010


I'm sorry,for the demon I've become, You should be sorry,for the angel you are not, I apologize,for the cruel things that I did, But I don't regret, one single word I said, Just walk away make it easy on yourself,
Just walk away please release me from this hell,
Just walk away there's just nothing left to feel,
Just walk away pretend that none of this is real,
Could you forgive me,if I told you that I cared,
Would you be sorry,
if I swore that I'd be there,
Just walk away make it easy on yourself,
Just walk away please release me from this hell,
Just walk away there's just nothing left to feel,
Just walk away pretend that none of this is none of this is,
Just walk away make it easy on us both,
Just walk away there was never any hope,
Just walk away you already know the deal,
Just walk away pretend that none of this was ...none of this was real.

Yay Precious!

I did go and see Precious in school this morning. He really is doing so well. I walked in with the special education teacher Mrs. R. Precious said " Hi Mrs. R, Hi Mrs. Patty." His aide Mrs. N asked him if he wanted hot or cold lunch and he said Cold lunch. She said he makes his own sandwich on his own. He was able to follow along in a work book for science. The kids broke into groups and they were supposed to follow a blue print and build a car with a propeller. The entire group was struggling, but he became the equipment manager, and had all the pieces and the other kids would ask for a specific color and piece of equipment, which he would hand them the requested piece. He did repeat frequently " I am getting Star Luna books and DVDs at the library." His aid, Mrs. N said that he is doing so well, and especially in the past 6 months, she has seen such big improvements. Thanks for letting me see him in school. I will see you in a few weeks at the IEP.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Old Dog, Meet new tricks

Ok- so for those who may be wondering if I am now a lover of Yoga, the answer to that is no, However, the class this weekend was very interesting. . .and well all I can say is Warrior Two pose and I got along well, very well. . .

Some differences- most striking. . .the instructor was. . .a. . .Republican. . .no just kidding. . .a DUDE!

So right off the bat, it was totally different. First he was the stereotype I had in my head. . .theology professor with a side of New Age. . .and he hates all the good interesting foods so he is perfect! He has the most out there philosophy on sleep I have EVER heard. . .whoa. . .so he was perfect!

Yes, there were moments that were very VERY familar. . .that ^%&$ downward facing dog was repeated. . .again. . .and again. . .this was the worst part, because he said "put your sits bones up to the sky, and I heard "shits bones" and started giggling. . .narrowly averted being thrown out again. . .but it was my ass he was talking about and well YOU KNOW. . .I am claiming "honest mistake" and moving on. . .

1 hour and 15 minutes later, not an OHM in sight, and I was ready to call it a day. . .this class was totally physical, felt more like a workout, and totally kicked my ASS in and out of Down dog Down. . .

So, I may have to take Mz. Zz up on her offer. . .

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Not meant to be. . .

Watching Precious grow and move beyond his own little world is amazing, nothing short of a miracle. He is doing well, and is just such a character. Love to just watch him grow and go- out and beyond every day he defies stereotypes and proves there is a real person inside

Doing what I can for him especially over the last year, has been a learning process for me as well. Over the past few months, I have tried to move beyond my limitations and doubts and fears and all of the negative crap- tried to approach new friends with being more open and accepting, and hoping for the same.

It was a huge mistake in so many ways in so many situations.

I was not prepared to not get funding, because I was so trying to be positive, and not stress. Forgot my own rule- always remember worst case scenario. . .

I was trying to reach out to people for help, understanding and hoping so much that I could once and for all forget about shame and focus on just getting on with life. That was not to be either.

Wanted to let new people in, did not anticipate that they would bring more stress and pain to a life that had already seen its share.

So tired of this- just want things to go right, and maybe just maybe a day, just ONE DAY with a little peace of mind at the end of it, rather than the lying awake and wondering how and if I am gonna make it through another day of this life.

Glad to be alive, just wish I could have some peace of mind is all.

Pity party over-move along nothing to see here. . .

Friday, April 16, 2010

On the morrow

The moon and Venus- April 16, 2010

Wondering about the whole yoga aversion thing- and I think a lot of it has to do with the whole emphasis on thinking about things that I just never have before. . .but maybe this time is different.

Before I got sick, things were different, I was different, and the way I thought about things then is not the same as now. . .

I used to be bored by yoga, there was no marveling in the ability to draw breath, no appreciation for being able to move, to feel the muscles stretch and energize, I had no time in my life and no room in my mind for it, I found it tedious and strange.

Then I got sick. . .

Now, it is an amazing blessing to be able to move, to be aware of the air moving in and out of your lungs, and that is not all I am noticing-

Food, after years of being the enemy to my visions of a size 6, after months of not being able to eat, has become the sustenance it is meant to be. . .and the

Running, a chore and nothing fun, is something I like to do now- more on that later. . .

Off to try to sleep. . .eventually

Only the lonely

Wondering what will happen if I go to a movie alone tonight? Will people stare at me? Pity me? Will they even let me buy a single ticket, or is it now a law that you can only see a movie with someone, and that you have to buy the horrible popcorn? Only a BAMF movie like Clash of the Titans gives me cause to consider going alone. . .maybe its just me, but a movie is not a movie without someone to watch it with that is there just to watch the same movie with you:)

The look on my 16 year old son's face when I asked him to go with me. . .he felt bad for it, but clearly a movie is not to be watched in a theater with your MOM after a certain age- like when you can start to go to the bathroom on your own:)

But hey, maybe the theater has thought of this, and instead of valet parking, maybe they have concierge service where pathetic people with no life outside the umbrella can actually rent company. . .no silly readers not ESCORTS more like seat warmers. . .just the idea, illusion if you will, of some sense of belonging. . .when you just don't seem to fit anywhere in the real world. . .whine whine, or maybe I'll just throw another pity party. . .:)

I will probably not go- in fact I know I won't because in the end, the truth is, I WANT TO GO WITH SOMEONE SPECIAL. . .and I can't. When school was a lock I never thought about this, now that school is in doubt, well, pile on doubts fears and insecurities. . .game on!

Just wishing out loud and trying to figure things out. . .

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Last time. . .EVER I MEAN IT- If my downward facing dog won't hunt I GIVE UP

OK-was looking for my older post about this topic- but can't find it. . .so here it goes. Yes, if you are yoga savvy you know that the Downward facing dog is an impossible position for any person to do with out wondering "just how incredibly LARGE does my ass look now? Hopefully the puckers and scars from my health crap will distract any eyes". . .I mean a Yoga Pose. And I.HATE.YOGA.
However, I am going to load up on granola and soysomething, hug several trees and sing many MANY choruses of "This land is your land" and Kumbaya. . .and try an introductory session this weekend.
In the past, my attempts at this particular activity have resulted in aches, pains, homicidal thoughts against the furry, slightly scary instructors who have told me my shakrahs are effed up. . .well, in nicer words but I HEARD the f word in their paralanguage. . .and that I really am an unconscious breather. . .wow, that hurt, ouch, and many other reactions that have caused me to question just what kind of person I am. . .
After all, how can anyone HATE Yoga? Simply anyone who is a good person knows Yoga is an absolute good.
Ummmm Ohohohoh Mr. Kottttah I can hate Yoga, without shame
However- at this point if something does click and I can bring order out of chaos by BREATHING, something I kind of have to do anyway, well, one more time
THIS IS IT- if it STILL sucks, I reserve the right to go on hating it and not look back. . .
Just saying:)

Emotion work. . .under the umbrella

Discovery World 2010 January- For once and only once glad that Muffin broke the "no pictures of my back" rule With Precious, Butter and Cocoa

One of the things that comes with an autism dx is the fact that you have a child that in many cases cannot process certain things, and it becomes your task to bypass that issue and essentially bridge the gap between your child and the rest of the world.

Emotions are a huge part of that disconnect.

Precious has a very hard time recognizing his emotions and even after finally getting the emotion identified, he then is lost as to how to express it.

Before he could speak- he was unable to speak for 2+ years, his emotions were a huge and constant source of frustration and mystery. He would put his hands on my mouth as I spoke, looking at me in awe for a few seconds, then his brow would crinkle and he would put one hand on my mouth, and one on his, he would move his lips up and down in mimic, but he could not do anything like I was, and he would get so angry, and I would feel so helpless. In his eyes, I could see him, waiting there for me to get to, he would look at me and I felt his voice rather than heard it, saying Mom, PLEASE FIND ME and bring me to where you are. . .to this day I can't explain it, but I knew he was in there. . .and I had to figure out a way to get him to where the rest of the world was. . .somehow.

He is so much more in this world now, but emotions are pretty tough. Now that he has figured out how he feels, he now has to learn to regulate it with those around him, meaning he has to understand that others around him may also need to have their emotions considered. Last night, he was having a really bad night, and I could not understand at first. His usual pattern is when I have not yet figured out what is wrong, he gets more and more angry and then lashes out at Cocoa and Butter- which he did last night. Hitting pushing, sitting on them. . .all the while saying "you need to settle down Precious" or "why are you sad Precious?" with me right there trying to redirect him. . .until I figured out that he was just way too over stimed and said the magic words "time for bed now" Full. Stop.

"I don't want to go to bed!!" I insisted. . .knowing a meltdown of this sort was almost certainly because he was tired.

He looked right at me and said "Mommy, I need to stay up"


Not his usual "not time for bed" or the third person distance between him and his wants I NEED my baby said I NEED. . .omg omg omg. . .and WOW.
I know many people would say what's the big deal? My kid says things like that all the time. To which I would say "lucky you" and don't rain under my umbrella, where the miracle of "Mommy I need" is truly Heaven sent. . .

Amazing, TOTALLY amazing. . .

Welcome to the world, my sweet Precious.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Well I don't want to see you waiting
I've already gone too far away
I still can't keep the day from ending
No more messed up reasons for me to stay
Well this is not for real
Afraid to feel
I just hit the floor
Don't ask for more
I'm wasting my time
I'm wasting my time
You can't stop the feeling
There is no reason
Let's make the call
And take it all again
Months went by with us pretending
When did our light turn from green to red
I took a chance and left you standing
Lost the will to do this once again
Well this is not for real
Afraid to feel
I just hit the floor
Don't ask for more
I'm wasting my time
I'm wasting my time
You can't stop the feeling
There is no reason
Let's make the call
And take it all
I'm wasting my time
I'm wasting my time again
See you waiting
Look so lonely
See you waiting
I see you waiting
Well this is not for real
Afraid to feel
I just hit the floor
Don't ask for more
I'm wasting my time
I'm wasting my time
You can't stop the feeling
There is no reason
Let's make the call
And take it all
I'm wasting my time
I'm wasting my ...Well this is not for real
Afraid to feel
I just hit the floor
Don't ask for more
I'm wasting my time
I'm wasting my time
You can't stop the feeling
There is no reason
Let's make the call
And take it all again

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Hoarding. . .Under the Umbrella

No not what you think- not that new show on TLC about people who will not throw things out and the police and professional sanitary people have to be called. . .a different kind.
Let me explain-
When I was growing up- I remember not having food. Literally, there was none, nothing at all to eat. Empty cupboards, and no idea when they would hold food again. As hard as things were when I was a kid- and I am the one who took eviction notices from landlords because my mom would not, could not do it, who let WPS in to shut off the heat for nonpayment, and who for a period of time was pregnant and homeless. . .NOT having food AND not knowing when food was going to be had again was just.plain.torture. As a kid it was and is my worst childhood memory, and I have plenty to compete with that, but it was a complete and total sense of weakness, powerlessness and vulnerability and terror, not to mention the physical parts of being hungry. Over time, it remains with me, and now, it is back with a vengeance.
I have noticed when I am stressing out about money, I begin to hoard food- esp canned goods and just keep adding to the shelves. I have needed a coat for a few months now- I buy more food instead, and now, with the news of not having funding and the games being played with support, I have begun again to collect pasta, sauce, fruit, tuna, anything that will feed my kids even if we live in the car. . .pretty sad I know, very pathetic, but there it is, because as horrible as it was to live through as a child, if my children have this happen as well. . .indescribable pain, I'd rather take 100 courses of chemo than have this happen, it is that simple.
While I understand that the people on the new TV show are messed up, sometimes they find dead things in the debris. . .I confess that I understand the comfort that comes from being surrounded by food to feed your children, no matter how it looks. . .just saying

Friday, April 9, 2010

Tripping the Night Autistic

There are so many people who use the words "tired" or "exhausted" or even "wiped out" to describe the way they feel-
In my world, only the strong can endure the Night Autistic. . .
First Rule of Night Autistic- The tripping part is that "night" means just the event. The actual consequence is that from that night follow many nights of recovery. Think an all nighter, combined with some sort of binge behavior, and repeating it for about a week, Yeah, thought so.
Case in point, any time it rains at bedtime. Precious is terrified of the rain, period. He cannot will not sleep if it is raining. . .or for any of the following days until good weather has returned, for an extended period of time. If any rain falls during the tripping, reset the recovery, unless it is 2 nights in a row, in which case it just starts to run together.
When his body does start to just demand sleep, he will sleep feather light, and on my shoulder. . .and if I breathe too deeply, or shift any part of my upper body- he is up and asking "did the rain stop" or repeat "it's not raining, rain is over"
So, if I can stay perfectly still, he sleeps, and I don't. . .and for the next week, it is usually repeat until he feels better about everything. . .over time he relents, and sleeps.
Just noticing that I am getting by on so very little sleep- and when I do think of sleep, it is with an intense longing I used to reserve for decadent chocolate and hours in the Archives.
The point? Despite it all, the Night Autistic makes me feel dead tired and so needed and functional all at once. Tired in that my laundry room needs attention, functional in the fact that my son, in the depth of the most intense fear, finds comfort just in being at my side. . .amazing.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

On time

Some curveballs under the umbrella- like I am not sure how I am going to pay for school after the fall, as I was unable to get funding from school. I understand why, but that doesn't change the effect. That, along with the increased barrage of threats and demands from the past life makes it hard to see a way from here.
Nothing is certain, of course, but there was so much to be hopeful about, and after all I have been able to get through, finish, conquer and endure, it never occured to me that I would be where I am right now, and feel the way I do right now. . .
Until I graduate and get to this place called accredited academic, so much of the past life rules the present. As long as I could be assured of having school, I could continue to endure the present, and focus on the future, to have to move school into the realm of "someday" and accept that past life will continue to rule, deny, injure and defeat the present and obscure the future?

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Back to School

My poor babies. . .we had such a good time this past week and a day. . .I will miss you all soooo much! Love it when you are all tucked safe under the umbrella:) Yes, Cocoa- we will bake tomorrow!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Un April 7th Celemourning Happiest Day/Worst Nightmare. . .

So- the literal anniversary of the marriage that is no longer is in 2 days, and I soooooo wanted there to be a change in how this went. . .

What USUALLY happens is that I get sad, very sad, and before I know it, I am down right morose. . .and craving some sort of relief. . .which usually comes in bottles, and tastes really good with chocolate. . .

I wanted it to be different this year- out and about Loud and Proud, dammit and get down with my bad self a bit. . .finally close the door on the pathetic self pity and embrace the bad ass life I can have someday- tattoo and all:0

Do I have the nerve to go out alone? Hmmmm maybe. Don't want to just go to a movie or anything, wanna do dinner and go out, and see what I can see. . .yes it's a weeknight, but who knows, we'll see;) and yess, there will be pictures;)

500- My life, like it or leave it- trying to bridge the gap

My life-at 500 posts-

Has no reset button, if you mess with me and my life, I cannot just undo what you did- I have to adjust and find a way to fix it

My life has precious humans in it who count on me for everything, and right now it is all I can do to keep them happy, healthy and content- if you keep messing with my life, I will fail them, and I will never forgive you for that and I will cut you out

My life has happy, sad, pain, awesome, and every little thing in between, and if you can't stop the drama, exit stage left post haste- I have enough of my own to deal with on an hourly basis.

I want to have people in my life that are imperfect, but a perfect fit, people who enrich it while dealing with their drama, not who drain from those around them. . .you can have drama in your life and be a part of mine, but I cannot take on your drama for you, you have to deal with it yourself. . .and if I have made a promise, do not make me break it, no matter what, my integrity means too much to me to throw it away, even for a friend. I have worked hard, sacrificed much and pushed myself to the point of collapse to get to where I am, and I need all that I can earn to care for my family.

Forgiveness is a huge part of my life, but not forgetting- I can and will forgive you but refuse to forget, and if you repeat the same mistakes and the results are bad for my life and my precious puny humans, you are gone

I am harsh, but fair, understanding but blunt, to the point and evasive, but first and foremost, I just want to live my life as best I can, without drama and NOT at the mercy of people who would hurt me because they can.
My life has had enough pain to last 5 lifetimes- enough. . .love me, love my life, respect my life or leave it
I want people in my life who want to be there, who understand that I can be a good friend, a strong support, and as uplifting as they need me to be- but I can't be there for them if their presence in my life ends up destroying me. In the contest between survival for myself and a friendship, I have to choose myself, not because I AM SELFISH, but because I have SO MANY people counting on me.
I want to be the cherished someone in someone's life someday- I want to have the opposite of what I had for too long. I want a home filled with as much laughter as possible, with love and patience, and above all else, I want someday to have someone who loves me for who I am, not who they think I should be, someone who feels blessed and lucky to have me in their life, not someone who sees me as the outlet for all their aggressions, insecurities, shortcomings and failures. I want to be able to be sick and not have that used as a means of being replaced or punished, I want someone who will not use my physical issues as an excuse to cheat on me, hurt me, ignore me or flat out leave me. I want someone who understands I have superhuman capacities, above average motivation and determination, but subhuman health moments. I want to stop paying for things I am trying to control, as well as for things that are so beyond my control. . .I can't have people in my life who would bring with them those that would destroy me for the most base of reasons. . .because whether or not they believe I have value, my children think I do- and that is enough for me to draw the line at letting people in who will bring destruction with them.
I want a happy life, if you understand what I mean by that, you are most welcome in it, no matter what your drama is, or your problems.

When all you have is your word

When you are faced with any kind of problem or situation that requires trust and strength, one thing that is vital to your future happiness is your word.

Break your word, and the rest of it goes too- you save nothing, lose everything if you do not keep your word. Trust, integrity, strength, love, respect and hope can all be destroyed if you break your word. As someone who has had too many promises broken- I cannot will not break my word, no matter what, that is not an option.

Without your word, you can not go very far, because so much of our lives go on faith and trust- you have faith in the people you surround yourself with, they trust you to have their back- and you hope and trust they have yours. . .it all depends on keeping your word. The start and end of good and bad relationships friends, romantic partners, spouses. . .your word is the foundation and whether or not the relationship lasts depends on that strength, or falls because of weakness. . .of your word

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Today, and the past few. . .

Moving slow, and just not very steady, but the kids are doing ok, and all is well. Hope that everything is going to stay that way for sure:)